Violencia, guerra y destrucción en el medio ruralPaisajes de frontera en el sur de la Corona de Aragón (ss. XIV-XV)
Universitat d'Alacant
ISSN: 2014-7430
Argitalpen urtea: 2014
Zenbakien izenburua: La Guerra en la Edad Media: Fuentes y metodología, nuevas perspectivas, difusión y sociedad actual
Zenbakia: 1-1
Orrialdeak: 359-392
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista Roda da Fortuna: Revista Eletrônica sobre Antiguidade e Medievo
The annexation of the lands of the North Kingdom of Murcia to the Crown of Aragon (1296-1304), meant the integration of both territories to the Kingdom of Valencia and also the materialization of new limited spaces. It meant the expansion of the catalano-Aragonese Crown towards the South of the peninsula: the extension of the lands which are in contact with the Spanish Crown and an approximation to those regions under rule of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. In the present work we try to analyze the consequences of war and violence in the southern rural areas of Valencia at the end of the middle ages, focusing on the effects of tensions in the frontier over populations and production spaces; the fields and orchards dependent on the villages of Alicante, Elche and Orihuela, regarding the continuity of the tense atmosphere and insecurity both derived from armed conflicts as well as the particularity of the border territory object of study.