El futuro de la cooperación judicial civil en la Unión EuropeaUna perspectiva (1)

  1. José Ramón de Blas Javaloyas 1
  2. Carmen María García Mirete 2
  1. 1 REJUE-Civil
  2. 2 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05t8bcz72

Actualidad civil
  1. O'Callaghan Muñoz, Xavier (dir.)

ISSN: 0213-7100

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 3

Type: Article

More publications in: Actualidad civil


This article covers the digitalisation of the court systems of EU Member States and its impact on cross-border communications and cooperation between judicial authorities. The new regulation will make it easier to hold events by videoconference and take evidence in other Member States through the e-CODEX system (e-justice communication via online data exchange). The European Commission is developing these projects by issuing various regulations and the imminent entry into force of consolidated versions relating to the notification and transfer of documents and the gathering of evidence, all of which is part of a broad digitalisation plan launched in response to the covid-19 pandemic

Bibliographic References

  • FORCADA MIRANDA, J.: «Artículo 4», en FERNÁNDEZ-TRESGUERRES GARCÍA, A.: Comentario a la Ley 29/2015 de cooperación jurídica internacional en materia civil, Editorial Bosch, Barcelona 2017.
  • FORCADA MIRANDA, J.: «Las comunicaciones judiciales directas en la cooperación jurídica internacional», Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2017.