La efectividad de las pruebas penales obtenidas en el marco de la futura normativa europea relativa a la obtención y conservación de pruebas electrónicas.

Revista General de Derecho Procesal

ISSN: 1696-9642

Ano de publicación: 2021

Número: 55

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista General de Derecho Procesal


The internet served as a powerful lifeline in COVID-19 imposed lockdowns around the world, allowing for communication with loved ones, as well as for the acquisition of goods and services that would have otherwise been impossible to obtain. At the same time however, and rather worryingly, investigation and prosecution of crime is hindered by a lack in sharing of evidence stored by service providers in non-EU countries. The formulation of legal instruments at the European level, interestingly designed in a pre-COVID era, can serve to alleviate these difficulties in obtaining evidence of a crime of a cross-border nature. This article analyzes the advantages of such regulations, but also highlights the shortcomings that, if not considered by the European legislator, can ruin the purpose for which they are intended.

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