Del Berlín de los Smithson al París de Friedmanfotomontajes para un diario de viaje no revelado

  1. Capdevila Castellanos, Iván 1
  2. López Ujaque, José Manuel
  1. 1 redfundamentos s.l.
Rita: Revista Indexada de Textos Académicos

ISSN: 2340-9711 2340-9711

Ano de publicación: 2021

Número: 15

Páxinas: 90-100

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.24192/2386-7027(2021)(V15)(04) DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Outras publicacións en: Rita: Revista Indexada de Textos Académicos

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


The disappearance of Yona Friedman has once again placed his work at the center of the architectural debate. The critical review of The Spatial City, his main life project, places it, ironically, as a prelude to a new paradigm that will call for the disappearance of architecture and its replacement by hyper-technological networks that enable a changing life in a "well-tempered” environment —following the trends of the moment. However, this review is still accommodated in relating The Spatial City with the referential world accepted by Friedman himself: Le Corbusier, Metabolists, Konrad Wachsmann... This article expands this context by going beyond the author’s writings and deliberately comparing little known images of his Ville Spatiale with other images realized by those with whom he always denied any relationship: Alison and Peter Smithson. It is in an unrecognized intellectual struggle with these, where the research aims to place Friedman's photomontages as a means of transmitting the ideas that years later were taken to the extreme by a new generation of "radical architects" —especially in London, Vienna and Florence— but recognizing the fundamental role —often overlooked by architectural criticism — that the British couple had in its founding.

Referencias bibliográficas

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