Efectes del canvi d’ús del territori sobre l’avifauna que hi niuael cas de l’ampliació del campus de la Universitat d’Alacant

  1. Vicent Bataller Grau
Nemus: revista de l'Ateneu de Natura

ISSN: 1697-2694

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 10

Pages: 86-97

Type: Article

More publications in: Nemus: revista de l'Ateneu de Natura


The abandonment of traditional farming of crops on unirrigated land is one of the main causes of habitat transformation in the region around Alacant and one that obviously affects the birds which rely upon this type of habitat. The present article analyzes this phenomenon during a specific timescale, area and set of circumstances: between 2006 and 2011, we studied the how the first elements of the extension of the University of Alacant affected birds breeding in the olive groves transformed by the construction work. The evolution of the number of nests of the main species is described, which vary from the first years to the last, despite the shortness of the period under study. At the beginning of the study, just as there must have been for many years beforehand, there is a very high density of woodchat shrike (Lanius senator). As the groves were being converted, that laniidae species disappeared but, at the same time, Iberian grey shrike (Lanius meridionalis) and magpie (Pica pica) colonized the area. It is already known that the woodchat shrike is vulnerable to habitat transformation and that the magpie has a well-known ability to adapt. However, adaptability had not been confirmed in the Iberian grey shrike, although it’s colonization of abandoned olive groves had already been observed, at least in the Alacant area. Thus traditional farming deterioration can cause the reduction or local extinction of a species, but also the colonization from another one belonging to the same genus. The study has made it possible to determine the precise consequences that a case of paradigmatic transformation of the traditional dryland crop has caused on nesting birds.

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