Cooperación internacional en educación superior para el turismo sostenibleel proyecto Tourist

  1. Roberto Escarré Urueña 1
  2. Oana M. Driha 1
  3. Claudia Linditsch 2
  1. 1 Universidad de Alicante (España)
  2. 2 Institute for International Management and Banking & Insurance (Austria)
Estudios y perspectivas en turismo

ISSN: 1851-1732 0327-5841

Year of publication: 2020

Issue Title: Turismo y Desarrollo

Volume: 29

Issue: 4

Pages: 1096-1114

Type: Article

More publications in: Estudios y perspectivas en turismo


International Cooperation in Higher Education for Sustainable Tourism. The TOURIST Project. The central role of Higher Education (HE) for the progression of emerging and developing countries is widely acknowledged given its contribution in generating human capital for its later absorption into crucial sectors such as tourism. Different international donors and agencies confirm the role of HE by considerably increasing funding of projects in this field, mainly in the last decade. Some of these projects focus on the tourism sector. In this general framework, the programs / calls for capacity building are especially relevant. This article tries to identify and summarize some of the experiences in tourism in emerging and developing countries in the implementation process, at both donor and project level. By identifying the benefits and impact of these programs improvements in the social and economic development of these countries could be achieved. Aiming at carrying out this analysis, it was considered a case study financed through an Erasmus+ project focused on sustainable tourism in Vietnam and Thailand (TOURIST). Through the case study method, a series of challenges and recommendations in the implementation process are highlighted, but also recommendations for the different stakeholders involved in the tourism industry with the intention of developing sustainable tourism.