Del transporte de emigrantes a los cruceros turísticosLas navieras transatlánticas de pasaje en la Europa de la segunda posguerra mundial. El caso español (1945-1960)

  1. Gaetano Cerchiello 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


Revista de historia industrial

ISSN: 1132-7200

Any de publicació: 2020

Número: 79

Pàgines: 101-131

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista de historia industrial


This paper seeks to address the strategic evolution of the transatlantic passenger shipping companies over the fifteen year period following the Second World War. It focuses on a very turbulent period of a shipping business principally based on emigration demand. During the period under consideration, the transoceanic shipping lines evolved from a strong dynamic phase to one of incipient decline. The research pursues two basic objectives: to examine the changes that took place in the line services and to analyse the cruise offer in detail, paying par-ticular attention to the Spanish market. The essay includes an innovative estimate of the crui-se traffic during the 1950s, taking the port of Barcelona as a reference. The work methodolo-gy is based on analysing the port chronicles published by the newspaper La Vanguardia, together with the study of the advertising material gathered from different virtual newspaper libraries. The analysis reveals some important aspects, including the clear autonomy of the evolution of the cruise activity with respect to the overall trend in international tourism.

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