El discurso y las dimensiones culturales en el contexto de las páginas web de residencias de mayores españolas y estadounidenses
ISSN: 1887-4606
Any de publicació: 2020
Volum: 14
Número: 2
Pàgines: 393-420
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Discurso & Sociedad
The purpose of this article is to provide a comparative analysis of nursing homes web pages in Spain and in the United States, taking as a starting point the cultural differences that exist between these two countries. Cultural dimensions, namely individualism/collectivism, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity/femininity (Hofstede 1980; 1991; Hofstede et al 2010), are reflected in the content displayed on these pages and in the values that they want to transmit. This article provides a brief description of some of the cultural traits that are reflected on these web pages, in order to highlight the differences between these two cultural groups. However, one of the most relevant aspects of this analysis is that it shows that the weight of context conditions the discourse, to the extent that the message may not reflect the expected cultural values typically assigned to a group.
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