Valorización de biomasa acuática para el desarrollo de estructuras biopoliméricas de uso alimentario (1): materiales para envases biodegradables

  1. Isaac Benito-González
  2. Marta Martínez-Sanz
  3. Cynthia Fontes-Candia
  4. Vera Cebrian-Lloret 1
  5. Antonio Martínez-Abad
  6. Amparo López-Rubio
  1. 1 CSIC. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Revista de plásticos modernos: Ciencia y tecnología de polímeros

ISSN: 0034-8708

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Zenbakien izenburua: Polímeros naturales y de fuentes renovables

Alea: 119

Zenbakia: 757

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de plásticos modernos: Ciencia y tecnología de polímeros


Aquatic biomass represents a highly unexplored resource with a tremendous potential for the development of biopolymeric structures with application in the food packaging area. In general, cellulose is the most widely used biopolymer as additive in food packaging structures, but hemicelluloses present in vegetable biomass in general and, more particularly, in aquatic biomass, can provide very interesting properties to the materials. Therefore, in this manuscript we describe simplified methodologies to obtain different fractions from seaweed and aquatic plants and their use for developing different types of food packaging structures and/or additives which are biodegradable and sustainable