La mejora de los centros educativos en el marco organizativo de las «Escuelas eficaces»

  1. Rosa María Carda Ros
Tossal: Revista Interdepartamental de Investigación Educativa

ISSN: 1132-8134

Ano de publicación: 1993

Volume: 2-3

Número: 0

Páxinas: 7-18

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Tossal: Revista Interdepartamental de Investigación Educativa


This work tries to analize polemic questions arised recently on the so called «Effective Schools». This is especially interesting with reference to schools as appropiate context to improve the quality of teaching. It deals with the line of research on «Effective Schools», their necessity importance and opportunity given by the Schools Reform that is being carried out in our country nowadays.

Referencias bibliográficas

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