Presència i tractament de la música clàssica contemporània als mitjans de comunicacióuna aproximació metodològica al cas de l’Estat espanyol

  1. Xavier Mas i Sempere 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València (España)

ISSN: 1989-8851

Année de publication: 2013

Número: 4

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Quadrivium


The so-called contemporary classical music is an apparently marginal element within the Spanish classical tradition. The Mass Media, with their projection and social incidence, can play a very important role in its diffusion and choice of discourse. Through a mixture of quantitative and qualitative techniques, we aimed to test the researchability of this field in the media, while checking its frequency and treatment in them. The final results have confirmed the existence of a proper field of study together with the suitability of our methodology. They have highlighted a treatment of contemporary classical music, which varies according to the medium in question; have shown how advantageous its hybrid character and the fact that it promotes an epistemological debate are; and have established a series of characteristic repetitive features in its discourses.