El régimen tradicional de la responsabilidad por daños ambientales en España
ISSN: 1695-2588
Argitalpen urtea: 2018
Zenbakia: 39
Orrialdeak: 133-184
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista Aranzadi de derecho ambiental
«This article tackles the analysis of the traditional regime of the environmental liability in Spain, in particular how civil, criminal or administrative procedures were used unsuccessfully to try to recover the environmental damage, and why an amendment of the normative was necessary to allow a strict reparation of the environmental damage regardless of the injury of individual rights, or the commission of a crime or an administrative infraction. Although we have now a specific law for the repair of the environmental damage, in many cases the traditional system continue to be used for the restoration or compensation of the environmental damage.»