Estado de conservación de Narcissus perezlarae Font Quer (Amaryllidaceae) en la Comunidad Valenciana

  1. Ferrer Gallego, Pedro Pablo 1
  2. Ferrando Pardo, Inmaculada 1
  3. Navarro Peris, Albert 1
  4. Oltra Benavent, Josep E. 1
  5. Pérez Botella, Joan 1
  6. Carchano Jordà, Roger 1
  7. Albert Llana, Francisco José 1
  8. Laguna Lumbreras, Emilio 1
  1. 1 Generalitat Valenciana

    Generalitat Valenciana

    Valencia, España


Cuadernos de biodiversidad

ISSN: 1575-5495 2254-612X

Ano de publicación: 2017

Número: 53

Páxinas: 16-25

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.14198/CDBIO.2017.53.03 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

Outras publicacións en: Cuadernos de biodiversidad


Narcissus perezlarae is included in the Valencian Catalogue of Threatened Species of the Valencian Community (Order 6/2013) in the category "In danger of extinction". Recent studies have demonstrated its hybridogenic origin (= N. cavanillesii × N. miniatus [= N. serotinus auct.]). On the other hand, the greatest specialist and monograph of the genus has most recently claimed its autonomy as an independent species, as N. piifontianus. This species is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, present in Alto Alentejo (Portugal), Sevilla and Cadiz (Spain), and in the eastern part of the Baetic Mountains, between Alicante and Valencia. However, if treated as an independent species, it would be an endemism exclusively restricted to the Valencian Community. Seven natural populations have been monitored, whose census data oscillate annually. The latest census contains 1634 plants. Since 2010, five translocation experiences have been carried out in Alicante province. A total amount of 8,970 plants were translocated and a survival rate of 28,4% (2,545 plants) was observed in the latest census. The newly created populations increase the number of known locations of the species in the Valencian Community and considerably expand their distribution range along the territory.

Referencias bibliográficas

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