Els "jardinets" de BenissaNous exemples de «jardins d’Adonis» fossilitzats en la cultura popular contemporània

  1. Teodoro Crespo Mas
Revista valenciana d'etnologia

ISSN: 1885-1533

Año de publicación: 2016

Número: 8

Páginas: 153-168

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Revista valenciana d'etnologia


This paper documents the custom of the “jardinets” (“little gardens”) in various popular festivities in the town of benissa (Marina alta, país Valencià), which represent the fossilization in contemporary folklore of the ancient “gardens of adonis”. Following these exemples we make a state of the art on the subject, and formulate several questions to see if modern gardens could be a tool for the study and the better understanding of the ancient gardens.