Estudio preliminar sobre la abundancia y distribución de la perdiz roja (Alectoris rufa Linnaeus, 1758) en el Parque Natural Sierra de Mariola (Alicante-Valencia)
- Llorca, A.
- Ferri Vila, Vicente
- Belda Antolí, Antonio
- Zaragozí Zaragozí, Benito
- Seva Román, Eduardo
ISSN: 1130-6203, 1988-6624
Any de publicació: 2011
Número: 22
Pàgines: 189-212
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Biológicos
This study aims to analyze the abundance and distribution of the red partridge in the Sierra de Mariola, particularly in the protected natural area of the Foundation CV Laporta Victoria Carbonell, depending on the different matrix landscape present in the area. Mariola mountain is a Natural Park of 17,500 hectares, located between the provinces of Alicante and Valencia with Mesomediterranean subhumid oak vegetation. Between March and June 2011 have been made ??transects with a total of 12 census routes (500 m long), divided into different land uses arrays (shrubland, forest, crops and regeneration area). The analysis of the results shows a greater abundance of individuals in areas of dense and low scrub (KAI=1,33), still visible in the early morning hours in pathways or roadsides, and also, more eye contact partially clear days with no wind. There have been listening points in areas of post-fire regeneration.
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