Els personatges secundaris en el "Tirant lo Blanc" i en l'Amadís de Gaula"

  1. Soriano Asensio, Joan Ignasi
Catalan Review: international journal of Catalan culture

ISSN: 0213-5949

Datum der Publikation: 2010

Titel der Ausgabe: 13th Colloquium of the North American Catalan Society, Temple University, Philadelphia

Ausgabe: 24

Seiten: 139-152

Art: Artikel


Andere Publikationen in: Catalan Review: international journal of Catalan culture


This article proposes a comparative study about the secondary characters of the two knightly works Tirant lo Blanc and Amadís de Gaula, belonging to the Catalan and Castilian literature respectively. Thus, we try to confront them in a face to face that reveals the differences and the similarities in the treatment that their characters receive on the part of both authors. So then, we will depart, on the one hand, from the near relation that they have with the protagonists —the knight and his loved princess—; whereas, on the other hand, also we will bear in mind the parallelism that they could offer us to determine, considered all, their actions and interventions in the plot of the novels and in the development of the heroes, both in the loving issue and in the military and politician one. Finally, the study and the comparison of all these elements will help us to extract a series of functions with which we will determine some prototypes of secondary characters while we will highlight the divergences and the connections that present us both stories.

Bibliographische Referenzen

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