La apertura al comercio exterior y sus efectos sobre la productividad en presencia de diferencias intersectoriales

  1. Navas Ruiz, Antonio
Cuadernos de economía: Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance

ISSN: 2340-6704 0210-0266

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 33

Issue: 92

Pages: 139-170

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/S0210-0266(10)70067-4 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openBiblos-e Archivo editor

More publications in: Cuadernos de economía: Spanish Journal of Economics and Finance

Sustainable development goals


This paper explores the relationship between trade openness, competition and productivity growth, in a multi-sector R&D endogenous growth model where we allow for sectorial differences in competition levels. A movement from autarky to free trade extends the size of the market but it increases competition within each market. The joint effect rises the output produced per firm, R&D employment and productivity growth. When we allow for sectorial differences, the less competitive sectors obtain larger gains in efficiency, increasing by more R&D investment and productivity growth. Moreover, R&D employment in the most competitive sectors may reduce due to a crowding-out effect from the less competitive sectors: The latter, increases the demand for rival inputs, attracting labor from R&D and production activities of the other sectors.

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