El eslizón ibérico (Chalcides Bedriagai) en el medio insular de Nueva Tabarca (provincia de Alicante)

  1. Seva Román, Eduardo
  2. Escarré Esteve, Antoni
Mediterránea: Serie de estudios sobre biología terrestre mediterránea

ISSN: 0210-5004

Argitalpen urtea: 1976

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 61-115

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.14198/MDTRRA1976.1.04 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Mediterránea: Serie de estudios sobre biología terrestre mediterránea

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


This study constitutes an approach about some biological aspects of N. Tabarca island, specially on the population of Ch. bedriagai, the most abundant vertebrate. First of all the geology and climatology of the island are reviewed and the flora, vegetation and fauna studied with some detail. The taxonomic status of Ch. bedriagai and his subspecies are described. A taximetric analysis of 18 defined numerical and multistate characters is made with two different strategies: a) factor analysis in the numerical characters and b) character analysis in the multistate ones. Ten of the eleven numerical atributes shows a mutual and strong correlation, and some other characters of scales are also correlated. The principal coordinated analysis method is employed in the subespecies differentiation and the results agree very much with the distinction made by VALVERDE (1966) between Ch. bedriagai bedriagai and Ch. bedriagai albaredae. In the ecological approach of this Iberian endemism, the concrete insular biotope is described. The age structure shows four age classes according with the logistic model of growth. The sexual proportions and dimorphism are also dealed. The feeding habits of Ch. bedriagai in this insular environment are studied with some detail. The analysis of a hundred stomacal contents give 17 differents preys between 5 and 25 mm long, with the predominante of Coleoptheraus and Arachnids. Finally an outline of a food web centered in Ch. bedriagai is schematiced.

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