Predicting real growth and the probability of recession in the euro area using the yield spread

  1. Duarte Carballo, Agustín
  2. Venetis, Ioannis A.
  3. Payá Sastre, Iván
Working papers = Documentos de trabajo: Serie AD

Ano de publicación: 2004

Número: 31

Tipo: Documento de traballo


Although the spread has been established as a leading indicator of economic activity, recent studies on US and EU countries have documented, theoretically and empirically, that the term spread-output growth relationship may not be stable over time and it may be subjected to nonlinearities. Using aggregate data for the Euro area over the period 1970:1 - 2000:4, we applied linear regression as well as nonlinear models to examine the predictive accuracy of the term spread-output growth relationship. Our results confirm the ability of the yield curve as a leading indicator. Moreover, significant nonlinearity with respect to time and past annual growth is detected outperforming the linear model in out-of-sample forecasts of one-year-ahead annual growth. Furthermore probit models that use the EMU and US yield spreads are successful in predicting EMU recessions.