Potencialidades del turismo astronómico como dinamizador del turismo de interior en la Comunitat Valenciana

  1. Giner Sánchez, David 1
  2. Martínez Martínez, Lorena 1
  1. 1 Instituto Valenciano de Tecnologías Turísticas
XVII Congreso Internacional de Turismo Universidad Empresa. Del Territorio al Destino Turístico: Retos y Claves de Éxito
  1. López Olivares, Diego (dir.)

Publisher: Tirant lo Blanch

ISBN: 9788490861981

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 257-272

Type: Book chapter


The inland tourism in the Valencian Region is situated in a consolidation stage that requires the development of new tourist products, from the bottom of the enhancement of the local tourist resources. It’s a product diversification strategy of local tourism in which the landscape plays an important role for, also, diversify the tourist product in the Valencian Region. In this sense, the sky and stars watching, treated as part of the landscape, is presented as a key tourism resource. The combination of the astronomy and tourism, also known as astrotourism or star tourism, represents a clear opportunity for the creation of a tourism product with high value added and complementary vocation to other tourist activities that develop the inland areas.