Análisis de los canales de YouTube de divulgación científica españoles desde la perspectiva de género

  1. Belén Cambronero-Saiz
  2. Carmen Cristofol Rodríguez
Comunicación, Periodismo y Publicidad: retos profesionales en tiempos de crisis
  1. Hidalgo-Mari, Tatiana (coord.)
  2. Herrero Gutiérrez, Javier (coord.)
  3. Segarra Saavedra, Jesús (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Fragua

ISBN: 978-84-7074-886-8

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Orrialdeak: 267-281

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua


The Internet has become the main source of information on Science and Technology among young people aged 15 to 34, with social networks and videos being the most used sources of information. In this context, YouTube is the fastest growing channel, which makes it a disruptive tool for the construction of Society of knowledge, in terms of a narrative used, the informality of language and twoway communication. Studying gender balance in scientific dissemination channels is essential to ensure social advancement. Therefore, the specific objectives of this work are to identify the YouTube scientific disseminators with the greatest number of followers in the last two years and to recognize the scientific themes proposed, to reflect on their impact on the elimination of vertical and horizontal segregation in the different areas of knowledge. The study is a content analysis where both the profile of the YouTuber, as well as the characteristics of channel and videos will be analyzed. The main results show that more than half of the scientific communicators with the highest number of subscribers are men and that of the 458 videos analyzed, only 20.3% were created by women YouTubers. Regarding the subject, the results show how the gender gap is maintained in the dissemination of content related to STEM disciplines, reinforcing the masculinization or feminization of certain areas of knowledge. We can concluded by stating that although YouTube can contribute to the visibility of women as scientific communicators, we must still overcome the barriers that reinforce the gender gap in certain areas of knowledge.