Los bombardeos aéreos en el extranjero durante la Guerra Civil Españolael caso de Francia

  1. Ruiz Núñez, Juan Boris
Mirar el pasado en tiempos de crisis: historia social, conflicto y cultura de masas
  1. Assumpta Castillo Cañiz (coord.)
  2. David Alegre Lorenz (coord.)
  3. Miguel Alonso Ibarra (coord.)

Publisher: Departament d'Història Moderna i Contemporània ; Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona = Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Asociación de Historia Contemporánea

ISBN: 978-84-17238-04-9

Year of publication: 2017

Pages: 525-543

Congress: Asociación de Historia Contemporánea. Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Historia Contemporánea (5. 2015. Barcelona)

Type: Conference paper


The aerial bombing during the Spanish Civil War was not only focused on Spanish territory, but there were attacks abroad. To be precise, France was bombed on different moments in 1938, even though in this article only two of them are going to be analysed given the great impact they had. In the first place, the town of Cerbère was attacked by the rebel aviation, causing material damages and provoking a French diplomatic protest against Franco’s government. In the second place, a bombardment, the authorship of which is still unknown, took place between the villages of Ax-les-Thermes and Orgeix, more than 30 kilometres from the border, the raiding planes remaining in French territory for more than two hours. Both aerial bombings produced a great impact in the French press and considerable fear in the whole border zone. Ing