Eugenio de Potríes, traductor de literatura sacro-pastoril

  1. Elena Serrano Bertos 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


Los franciscanos hispanos por los caminos de la traducción: textos y contextos : publicación precongresual
  1. Bueno García, Antonio (coord.)
  2. Vega Cernuda, Miguel Ángel (coord.)

Editorial: Diputación Provincial de Soria

ISBN: 84-96695-60-3

Año de publicación: 2011

Páginas: 286-305

Congreso: Coloquio Internacional Traducción Monacal (3. 2011. Asís)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


The first part of this study deals with what we call "sacred-pastoral literature": a kind of literature whose subject is the pastoral iconology and its application to religious life. Basing on this kind of literature, the second part of the study centers on the transmission in France and Italy of the devotion to the Virgin Mary, referred to as the "Holy Shepherdess", through the translations of the Capuchin Eugenio de Potríes. In this context translation is not to be understood as text-to-text transfer, but as transmission of cultural and textual atmospheres (cultural translation).