La cura de almas en la política eclesiástica de Carlos IIIuna aproximación a través de la documentación de la Secretaría de Gracia y Justicia

Poder, sociedad, religión y tolerancia en el mundo hispánico: de Fernando el Católico al siglo XVIII
  1. Eliseo Serrano Martín (coord.)
  2. Jesús Gascón Pérez (coord.)

Verlag: Institución "Fernando el Católico" ; Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza

ISBN: 978-84-9911-508-5

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Titel des Bandes: Comunicaciones

Ausgabe: 2

Seiten: 755-769

Kongress: Asociación Española de Historia Moderna (14. 2016. Zaragoza)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


After the Concordat of 1753, the new royal prerogatives in the beneficial sphere allowed to promote the setting of a national clergy who was loyal to the Crown and useful to its interests. In this sense, the pastoral ministry received a special attention from the sovereigns, especially since the reign of Charles III. Our aim is to make an approach to the lines of the ecclesiastical policy of this monarch with regard to the cure of souls. In order to do this, we will use the documentation of the Secretary of Grace and Justice. The documents produced in this institution bring a valuable perspective on the way in which these policies were conceived and implemented, as well as their evolution along this period.