Reflexión en torno al binomio religión-producción en el Mediterráneo occidental (siglos VI-III a.C.)

  1. Perdiguero Asensi, Pascual
Convergencia y transversalidad en humanidades: actas de las VII Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Alicante
  1. Cutillas Orgilés, Ernesto (coord.)

Publisher: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant

ISBN: 978-84-948233-2-9

Year of publication: 2018

Pages: 211-217

Congress: Universidad de Alicante. Jornadas de investigación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (7. 2017. Alicante)

Type: Conference paper


This paper aims to analyze the role of religion in the economy of the Ancient Western Mediterranean, Its impact on colonial production and exchange processes and, therefore, generator of social inequality. Trough the analysis of archaeological sources, we contemplate the model of the emporic sanctuary, usually coastal and tolerated by local elites, whose role as a link between socio-economic and productive social systems of different degrees of complexity is essential for understanding colonial situations. In this case, we value the role of religion as an ideological superstructure that sanctions a productive model through which the production of goods and their commercialization is managed both towards the inland and Mediterranean commercial networks. This paper does not seek to reach solutions to the historiographic problem, but to establish a basis on which to continue our research.