Análisis de la correlación entre la implicación en internet de las empresas de la industria turística y sus resultados económicos-financieros

  1. Barrachina Pina, Ximo
  2. Juana Espinosa, Susana de
El turismo y la experiencia del cliente: IX Jornadas de Investigación en Turismo. Sevilla, 21 y 22 de junio de 2016
  1. Jiménez-Caballero, José Luis (coord.)
  2. Ríos Martín, Miguel Ángel (coord.)
  3. Moreno Pacheco, Pilar (coord.)
  4. Traverso Cortés, Joaquín (coord.)
  5. López-Bonilla, Luis Miguel (coord.)
  6. Fuentes Ruiz, Pilar de (coord.)
  7. Ridao Carlini, María Luisa (coord.)
  8. González Rodríguez, María Rosario (coord.)
  9. Román Márquez, Alejandro (coord.)
  10. López Bonilla, Jesús Manuel (coord.)
  11. Ceballos Hernández, Cristina (coord.)
  12. Ortega Fraile, Francisco José (coord.)

Publisher: Iris-Copy

ISBN: 9788494413490

Year of publication: 2016

Volume Title: El Turismo y la experiencia del cliente

Volume: 2

Pages: 183-212

Congress: Universidad de Sevilla. Facultad de Turismo y Finanzas. Jornadas de Investigación en Turismo (9. 2016. Sevilla)

Type: Conference paper


Tourism industry has changed by the apparition of internet that made necessary a new way of thinking and a process reengineering, having a special focus not only in sales but in promotion. Traditional enterprises, this that were settled before, the apparition of this new environment, have been forced to adapt to it, doing an special effort to offer its services in a new way, too different that the one they did. Internet required to these enterprises a growing of effort even this �place� has been gaining influence. This new context brought the apparition of enterprises that were born directly on the internet era, known as natives, that offered its services in this emplacement increasing its performance year by year. This growing up level of performance on internet, boosting the concurrence of the whole tourism sector, making necessary to make further efforts to reach this level of performance to these traditional enterprises.