La música como elemento de participación ciudadana y desarrollo local

  1. González de Bustos, Loretta
Profesionales y herramientas para el desarrollo local y sus sinergias territoriales. Evaluación y propuestas de futuro: IX Coloquio Nacional de Desarrollo Local del GTDL-AGE
  1. Martínez Puche, Antonio (coord.)
  2. Amat Montesinos, Xavier (coord.)
  3. Sancho Carbonell, Isabel (coord.)
  4. Sanchiz Castaño, Daniel (coord.)

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant

ISBN: 978-84-16724-00-0

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 563-576

Type: Book chapter


The musical culture, represented by the bands, impacts in processes of local development and of economic development due to the importance of their manifestations: concerts, festivals, competitions, music schools, production, sale and repair of musical instruments and an entire economy that it rotates around this artistic manifestation. They are an endogenous resource of the local development that endows from a singular identity to the Valencian ones and it marks it leaves of their territorial sign. It is hence that it becomes necessary a reflection to endow to the idea of musical culture of a socioeconomic bigger importance. The musical Valencian patrimony is a cultural important industry because the creation, production, distribution and culture consumption generates wealth. Their statistics endorse this way it: 534 musical societies for the whole territory of the Valencian Community, 200.000 partners, 2.575 employments. The territorialization covers the whole geography of the municipalities, districts and counties of the autonomous community. The most visible results in this cultural industry are the concerts and the musical formation received by the musicians and imparted in the musical societies. These musical societies have had a continuous support public, although in these moments their grants have been clipped strongly.