Actualización del estudio sobre el emplazamiento publicitario en series españolasEl caso de El Internado

  1. Segarra-Saavedra, Jesús
  2. Plaza Nogueira, Alberto
Comunicació i risc: III Congrés Internacional Associació Espanyola d'Investigació de la Comunicació

Editorial: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

ISBN: 978-84-615-5678-6

Ano de publicación: 2012

Congreso: Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación (AE-IC). Congreso (3. 2012. Tarragona)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The development of the not conventional forms of doing advertising follows his constant change and evolution, diversifying the forms of ppearanc e and extending the life cycle of the message in that there is his better advertising efficiency. The present communication comes fruit of the desire to check and update the phenomenon product placement initially called. This consol idated tool communicative has penetrated to the border towards the increase of value of the brands more prestigious and presents in company. Turning this way what, for a few years, there is studied also as a brand placement. At present a hybridization exists between the cultural audio-visual issued product and the commercial message. In addition, if we bear in mi nd the present diversification of channels from which this one can languish (television, cinema, mobile telephony, Internet, etc.), we see that a major permanency takes place in the time of the cultural - advertising message. By means of the viewed one of the complete series of El Internado (7 seasons with a total of 71 chapters) and his later analysis of content we manage to identify and to categorize the diverse forms in those who had (and they continue having) he attends the different brands, products and services. Integrated all of them of "subtle" form in one of the series with major hearing obtained in the last decade (19,4 % I mediat e of audience share) of the whole production of television Spanish fiction. We will verify the use of this communicative tool, remembered by his pioneering appearances in Farmacia de Guardia (Antena 3, 1991 - 1995) or Médico de Familia (Telecinco, 1995 - 1999), and now evolves towards one increasingly llowed presence in the television gridiron of Spain on the part of the spectator.