L'amor cortés en el "Tirant lo Blanc" i en "l'Amadis de Gaula"aproximació comparativa

  1. Soriano Asensio, Joan Ignasi
Literatures ibèriques medievals comparades
  1. Alemany Ferrer, Rafael (coord.)
  2. Chico-Rico, Francisco (coord.)

Publisher: Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant ; Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada (SELGYC)

ISBN: 978-84-608-1238-8

Year of publication: 2012

Pages: 409-417

Congress: Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada. Simposio (18. 2010. Alicante)

Type: Conference paper


In the present essay we will offer a comparison of the courtly love as a constitutive element of the chivalrous love in the medieval works Tirant lo Blanc and Amadís de Gaula. Firstly, we will check the concept in stricto sensu of the courtly love across a follow-up of the diverse stadiums of the protagonists’ relationships of both works. Later, we will analyze the presence of the courtly elements of the love and will study the way how it materialize, first, in the lady, and, later, in the warrior. Thus, we will verify the differences and similarities that present us both works. Finally, we will offer a quickly opposition about the relation of the second characters of the novels that we work. In short, we expose here a review of the courtly love in the chivalrous novels of Tirant and Amadís with the purpose of verifying which work is more faithful to these schemes and which, on the contrary, moves away more, approaching towards more credible horizons.