José Ortega y Gasset y las intelectuales modernasRosa Chacel y María Zambrano

  1. Clara Solbes Borja
Revista de estudios orteguianos

ISSN: 1577-0079

Any de publicació: 2021

Número: 42

Pàgines: 111-143

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista de estudios orteguianos


This paper explores the relationship between José ortega y Gasset and intellectual women of this time. It brings to lights the contradicion resulting from this conception of intellectual women, based on the complementarity of sexes, and his willingness to help them to be part of the intellectual field at he time. Specifically, this paper focuses on the philosopher'r relationship with Rosa Chacel and Maria Zambrano, two cases that illustrate two of the ways through which ortega was linken to the intellectuals.