El impacto de las cuotas sobre la representación política de las mujeres en Les Corts (1995-2019)

  1. Bernabé Aldeguer Cerdá
Corts: Anuario de derecho parlamentario

ISSN: 1136-3339

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Nummer: 33

Seiten: 239-279

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Corts: Anuario de derecho parlamentario


After more than a decade and four regional elections since the implementation of the compulsory gender quotas, it seems obvious that the representative institutions have consolidated a presence of women above the 40% threshold. established as a requirement for a balanced composition of the parliaments. However, it continues to be a relevant academic task to carry out an evaluation of the impact that gender quotas have had on the political representation of women. The purpose of this article is to analyze the differentiated distribution of women and men in the internal structure of Les Corts from the conceptual and methodological perspective of the vertical and horizontal discrimination. Empirical evidence is shown related to the evolution of the substantive representation of women, taking into account the theoretical formulations aimed to evaluate what extent an increase of women in parliaments implies an improvement in the representation of their interests,paying attention to the agenda for gender equality, changes in the committee system, the budget intended to finance gender policies, as well as the number of parliamentary initiatives on such matters. This article addresses the chronological period between the 4th and 9th terms, adding these six terms in two periods: one previous to the implementation of gender quotas (1995-2007) and later (2007-2019). This way, it is intended to offer a perspective on the effects caused by gender quotas from a cross time perspective. The empirical evidence collected shows that, despite having been reached certain irreversible advances in terms of the global presence of women in Les Corts, there is a persistent and differentiating gender patterns that influence the political representation of women.