Kairós y vulnerabilidad de las personas afectadas por enfermedades rarasun análisis semiótico y hermenéutico

  1. Juan R. Coca
  2. Juan A. Roche-Cárcel
En-claves del pensamiento

ISSN: 1870-879X 2594-1100

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 16

Issue: 31

Type: Article

DOI: 10.46530/ECDP.V0I31.494 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: En-claves del pensamiento

Sustainable development goals


Abstract In this paper, a theoretical analysis of the vital conditioning factors that people affected by rare diseases and their families have is carried out. This research is structured from a semiotic and hermeneutic perspective in order to better understand their social reality. In it we have detected the inexistence of the Kairos and the empire of the chronos. This fact is the result of the structuring of the social system and the limitation of options for these people. Faced with this reality, the possibility of structuring a society where there is a kairological reduction and a promotion of fraternity, understood as a temporary alternative, is raised.

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