Control de los movimientos transfronterizos de residuos peligrosos y su eliminación

  1. Ramón Martín Mateo
  2. Juan Rosa Moreno
Residuos: Revista técnica

ISSN: 1131-9526

Año de publicación: 1993

Año: 3

Número: 4

Páginas: 55-60

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Residuos: Revista técnica


The main object of The Convention of Basilea is to regularize the "exportation of the pollution". From the 80s developed countries have produced lots of hazardous wastes. In 1984 it was calculated a world production of 325 to 375 millions of tons of hazardous wastes. OCDE considered that the movement of waste transportation between different countries in 1983 would be 10% of the total production of wastes. Although there are technical solutions to the management of these wastes, the economical costs are so high, that some industries try to get rid of their wastes using heterodox ways. Undeveloped or developing countries are potential destinations of these wastes. All this has leaded to the appearance of a clandestine traffic of wastes. The reasons are economical or political reasons.