Adolfo Marsillach director de escenamontajes en la Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico

  1. Paco Serrano, Mariano De
Dirixida por:
  1. Mariano Paco Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 14 de decembro de 2015

  1. Francisco Javier Díez de Revenga Torres Presidente/a
  2. Berta Muñoz Cáliz Secretario/a
  3. Antonio E. Díez Mediavilla Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Abstract for the doctoral thesis "Adolfo Marsillach, Director. Staging Performances with the National Classical Theatre Company. " Mariano de Paco Serrano Department of Spanish Literature, Literary Theory and Comparative Literature. University of Murcia. The figure of Adolfo Marsillach is of unique importance within Spanish theater of the second half of the twentieth century. The disappearance of this great stage director, actor, author and playwright has left us with a huge archive of written and graphic materials that map out his work as a theater director. The objective of this thesis is to outline a profile of Adolfo Marsillach as a creative director; one who imposes his personal style and whose performances go well beyond a simple, literal reading of a dramatic text. As far as the Classics are concerned, Marsillach's work for the National Classical Theatre Company begins a process of approaching these texts, which can be seen thirty years later imprinted in the work of current theater directors as well as in the general aesthetics of the modern theatrical performance. The main sources used for the preparation of this thesis are: Marsillach's directing notebooks, which are located in the archives of the National Museum of Theatre in Almagro; press reports about each staging of a play and recordings of said performances provided by the Centre for Theatrical Documentation; the texts themselves and the specific bibliographies on both the author and his Company. In addition, the other resources consulted include the data base at the Juan March Foundation (, the Virtual Library of Miguel de Cervantes ( and the more current data bases of the research groups included in the TC / 12 ( The methodological approach incorporates a detailed analysis of all of the above-mentioned materials, focusing primarily on the staging of each of the performances that fall within the Company's so-called "baroque age." The main conclusion is to demonstrate how Adolfo Marsillach, for an entire decade, skillfully headed up the National Classical Theatre Company, insisting upon a specific range of stylistic criteria relating to the treatment of the Classics on stage. These criteria as a whole formed a new and different way of understanding the performances of Golden Age Theater by making them more accessible to a modern audience and by establishing new approaches to the staging of contemporary theater.