La producción de presencia arquitectónica
- Galán Conde, José María
- María del Mar Loren Méndez Director
Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Sevilla
Fecha de defensa: 20 de xullo de 2017
- José Antonio Corraliza Presidente/a
- Francisco Javier Montero Fernandez Secretario/a
- Francisco Mora Teruel Vogal
- Carlos García Vázquez Vogal
- María Elia Gutiérrez Mozo Vogal
Tipo: Tese
The expression production of presence has been popularized by Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, to claim, in the society of digital immedia¬cy, the proximity to things without the need for mediation of inter¬pretations or meanings, so this idea refers to all kinds of events and processes in which the impact of present objects on human bodies is initiated or intensified. Gumbrecht’s proposal is not an isolated case in the academic con¬text of the turn of the millennium. In the last decades, there has been an exponential increase in the number of researches from di¬fferent disciplines dealing with the relationship between subject and environment in an emotional or pre-reflexive realm. This has produced a fragmented scenario, where disciplines have been par¬tially connecting among them, without establishing a network of interrelations between the generated knowledge. At the same time, architecture has been drawing relations of diffe¬rent intensity with some of the concepts and theories developed in this area, although without addressing the complexity of the pre-re¬flexive relationship of the subject and the environment. This thesis aims, therefore, to show the complexity of this relation and to show its transforming potential within the architectural practice. To do this, it carries out a research of the main approaches that have been adopted in the different disciplines, highlighting the existing pa¬rallels and the different approaches to these from the architectural point of view. On the other hand, when studying the different meanings of the relation of the subject and the environment from this point of view, this research questions the assignment of the construction of at¬mosphere as a proper task of architecture. In this way, it addresses the definition of this concept, its application in architecture and the problems of translating a term that encompasses factors that exceed the scope of this discipline. Facing this situation, the the¬sis claims the use of the expression production of presence, to talk about the physical influence of architecture as part of a system of interrelations in an environment, as an alternative not yet explored in the field of architectural theory, proposing the work of the archi¬tects SANAA and Ishigami as an example of a practice in harmony with the theses of the production of presence.