Nearpod as a tool in the implementation of the formative assessment in “English for International Relations I and II”
Universitat d'Alacant
- Satorre Cuerda, Rosana (coord.)
- Menargues Marcilla, María Asunción (coord.)
- Díez Ros, Rocío (coord.)
- Pellín Buades, Neus (coord.)
Publisher: Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant
ISBN: 978-84-09-39082-3
Year of publication: 2022
Pages: 213-223
Type: Book chapter
Following the objectives established in the RED 5527 entitled “Evaluación Formativa y Estrategias de Enseñanza en las Asignaturas de ‘Inglés Para Las Relaciones Internacionales’ (I Y II)” for the formative evaluation and elaboration of teaching strategies for the courses ‘English for International Relations’ (I and II), some needs and deficiencies were identified in relation to students’ grammatical and lexical competence. In an attempt to tackle those issues, the engaging, intuitive and attractive tool Nearpod was used. Thus, a Nearpod presentation with activities was created. Accordingly, the main objective of this study is to carry out a formative evaluation based on the detection of errors made by students in the first semester of the course by means of the aforementioned lecture enhancing application. The results obtained from 59 respondents after using a Google Forms questionnaire point to the success of those activities in the better understanding of the course contents and skills in general and, more specifically, the grammar points addressed. Nearpod seems to enhance lectures at a higher education level, since most of the participants indicate how they enjoy learning at their own pace and its practicality, and proves how this intervention and activity personalisation improves students’ performance through an interactive and attractive presentation.