El movimiento ecofeminista en los años ochenta

  1. Juan Rubio, Antonio Daniel
  2. García Conesa, Isabel María
Prisma Social: revista de investigación social

ISSN: 1989-3469

Year of publication: 2013

Issue Title: Interdisciplinariedad de la ciencia e investigación Social aplicada

Issue: 11

Pages: 57-90

Type: Article

More publications in: Prisma Social: revista de investigación social


Ecofeminism is a stream of environmental thinking of feminist approach which appeared in Europe in the last third of the twentieth century, and which is characterized by the diversity of sub-currents in the socio-cultural, political and activist fields, among others. Ecofeminism proposes that both the feminist movement and the environmental movement have common goals such as equal rights or the abolition of hierarchies, and that they work together in building theoretical and practical alternatives, as it has occurred in some previous occasion. Consequently, what we will be analyzing throughout this article is the role played by this movement along the eighties. We shall study their actions, how, where and why, but mostly, we will focus our attention on the consequences that their actions might have later on both for the eco-feminist movement itself and society in general.

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