Estabilidad en el empleo y contención de la temporalidad en la reforma laboral española de 2021

  1. David Montoya Medina 1
  1. 1 , Universidad de Alicante
Revista Internacional y Comparada de Relaciones Laborales y Derecho del Empleo

ISSN: 2282-2313

Year of publication: 2022

Volume: 10

Issue: 3

Pages: 11-51

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Internacional y Comparada de Relaciones Laborales y Derecho del Empleo


The reform introduced by Royal Decree-Law No. 32/2021, of 28 December, represents a new attempt by the Spanish legislator to reverse the high level of temporary employment that characterizes our labour market. This reform is apparently more ambitious than its predecessors in that it introduces more forceful measures to contain temporary employment than those already tried in the past. The present study focuses the main contents of the reform in this specific area in order to assess its effectiveness in safeguarding the principle of employment stability.