La colección de objetos protohistóricos de la Península Ibérica2. Armas y elementos para el gobierno del caballo

  1. Graells i Fabregat, Raimon
  2. Lorrio Alvarado, Alberto J.
  3. García Jiménez, Gustau
  4. Camacho Rodríguez, Pablo
  5. Pablo Martínez, Roberto de
  6. Domínguez Lamas, Julio

Publisher: Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum

ISBN: 978-3-88467-349-2

Year of publication: 2022

Type: Book


The collection of finds from the Iberian Peninsula in the RGZM consists of about 150 objects divided into two groups with specific characteristics and problems: the clothing ornaments (published in 2018 in the first volume of this catalogue, cat. 49, 1) and the weapons, the are the subject of this volume. This volume presents the weapons and harnesses, a comprehensive analysis of the ensembles to which they belonged and, no less importantly, the numerous ensembles and panoplies offered for purchase by the RGZM throughout the 20th century but which did not end up in its collection. Part of the methodology used in the first volume has been repeated, which consisted of examining the materials by category and type and enriching the study with 3D replicas in order to improve the clarity of the presentation and to make the discussion of the complex elaborations studied more understandable make.