Papel de la conducta prosocial y de las relaciones sociales en el bienestar psíquico y físico del adolescente

  1. Martínez González, Agustín Ernesto
  2. Inglés Saura, Cándido J.
  3. Piqueras Rodríguez, José Antonio
  4. Oblitas Guadalupe, Luis Armando
Avances en psicología latinoamericana

ISSN: 1794-4724

Année de publication: 2010

Volumen: 28

Número: 1

Pages: 74-84

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Avances en psicología latinoamericana


The fi nding about the role of prosocial behaviour in mental and physical well-being of adolescents have a very clear set of implications in different areas. From our point of view, the biggest impact of this evidence should be given in education. Thus, there is an increasing agreement on the need to encourage in the secondary schools prosocial behaviour styles based on the assertiveness, in order to prevent the occurrence of violent behaviors (gender violence, etc.), and encourage prosocial behaviors with health benefi ts. In this regard, we consider interesting to outline the implementation, in the curricula of primary and secondary education, of a new content, which teaches transversely specifi c skills related to prosocial behavior and the development of emotional intelligence in children and adolescents.