Escenarios alternativos en el presente-futuro de la universidad

  1. M. A. Martínez Ruiz
  2. N. Sauleda Parés
Redes de investigación docente en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

Publisher: Editorial Marfil ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant

ISBN: 84-268-1266-X 84-268-1269-4

Year of publication: 2006

Volume Title: La reconfiguración curricular en el escenario universitario

Volume: 2

Pages: 5-20

Type: Book chapter


The high profussion of papers that examine the state of higher education, in this global world, attest the relevance of analysing the re-structuration of the traditional universities. In this article, the main transitions of the university, in these last three decades, are described. Here and now, the elite university has been transformed in an institution of access massive or universal. Furthemore, the effects derived from the numeric technologies are evaluated. Ulteriorly, different possible scenarios of this present-future are proposed. Absolute resistence to change is one of the main dangers. The authors propose de necessity of a critical analysis of the values of higher education and an examination of professionality. The ethical dimensions of what being a professional means are enfasized. As a counterpoint to accountability as a way to stimulate the professional action, the authors insist that passion and mastery are relevant facts in the professional identity.