La conformación y desarrollo del espacio social argáricoAportaciones desde su extremo Nororiental
- Mauro S. Hernández Pérez 1
- Juan A. López Padilla 2
- Fco. Javier Jover Maestre 1
Universitat d'Alacant
- 2 Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante
ISSN: 0418-9744
Year of publication: 2021
Issue: 62
Pages: 182-229
Type: Article
More publications in: Madrider Mitteilungen
Archaeological work carried out over the last four decades allows us to make new assessments of the emergence, consolidation, and development of Argaric society in the southern Alicante Province. Radiocarbon dating and careful analysis of the archaeological record of sites such as Cabezo Pardo, Caramoro I, Laderas del Castillo and Tabayá point to a full integration of this territory into the process of the emergence and development of Argaric society in the whole of the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula. The data support the emergence of the material bases of the Argaric society in a wider territory than that which has until now been considered as its ›core area‹, in which not only the Vera Basin and the Guadalentín Valley would be included, but also the Lower Segura and Lower Vinalopó Valleys.