La experiencia de Geolodía-Alicante (2008-2020)

  1. P. Alfaro 1
  2. A. Aberasturi 2
  3. J. Acosta
  4. J.C. Aguilera 4
  5. J.M. Andreu 1
  6. J.F. Baeza 1
  7. D. Benavente 1
  8. I.F. Blanco 1
  9. L. Campos 5
  10. M. Cano 1
  11. J.C. Cañaveras 1
  12. H. Corbí 1
  13. J. Cuevas 1
  14. J. Delgado 1
  15. D. Díez-Canseco 1
  16. C. Domènech 5
  17. C. Espinosa 4
  18. A. Estévez 1
  19. S. Falcés 1
  20. M. Fernández-Mejuto 1
  21. I. Fierro 1
  22. M.A. García del Cura 6
  23. E. García-Sánchez 7
  24. A. Giannetti 1
  25. A. González 5
  26. J. González 5
  27. I. González 5
  28. P. Jaúregui 1
  29. I. Martín-Rojas 1
  30. I. Medina-Cascales 1
  31. L. Oliver 4
  32. J. Parrés 1
  33. S. Ordóñez 1
  34. J.R. Pascual 4
  35. J.L. Pastor 1
  36. J. Peral 1
  37. F. Pérez-Valera 1
  38. J.A. Pina 1
  39. J.R. Pascual 1
  40. A. Riquelme 1
  41. J. Romero 8
  42. S. Rosa-Cintas 1
  43. J.L. Soler 1
  44. J.M. Soria 1
  45. J.E. Tent-Manclús 1
  46. R. Tomás 1
  47. A. Vela 4
  48. A. Yébenes 1
  49. Show all authors +
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


  2. 2 Museo Paleontológico de Elche (MUPE)
  3. 3 Parc Natural de la Font Roja, Generalitat Valenciana
  4. 4 IES Provincia de Alicante
  5. 5 Laboratorio IMASA LAB S.L.
  6. 6 Instituto de Geociencias, IGEO-CSIC
  7. 7 Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

    Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

    Elche, España


  8. 8 Diputación provincial de Alicante
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: X Congreso Geológico de España

Issue: 18

Pages: 607-610

Type: Article

More publications in: Geotemas (Madrid)


Almost 20000 people have attended Geolodía in the Alicante province since 2008. We designed an activity with an organization able to handle more than 1000 people each year. This activity consists of a walking itinerary of about 6 to 12 km long, with around 15 stops where some guides give brief talks of approximately 5 minutes each. These explanations include most of the geological disciplines, being complemented by some talks about biology, history and archaeology. This activity is causing a very positive impact on the visibility of Geology in the Alicante province.