La responsabilidad civil en los espacios controlados de pruebas (regulatory sandboxes) sobre movilidad aérea urbana y la futura Ley de movilidad sostenible

  1. Yolanda Bustos Moreno 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Derecho Civil
Cuadernos de derecho privado: CDP

ISSN: 2792-825X

Year of publication: 2022

Issue: 2

Pages: 8-49

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos de derecho privado: CDP


This work analyses the European Union’s (EU) policy to promote intelligent and automated urban mobility, particularly focusing on the implementation of the U-Space. Automated urban mobility is becoming a reality through recent advancements in emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence. These developments require the testing of functionalities to ensure they meet safety standards. For this purpose, recent regulations have centred on "controlled testing spaces", known as the regulatory sandboxes. The success of the sandbox will mainly depend on whether provision is made for it in clearly defined civil liability legislation. This requires an optimal integration of Spain’s future Sustainable Mobility Law into the legal system that deals with different transport types.

Funding information

Este trabajo se enmarca en el Proyecto PID2020-116185GB-100 "La irrupción de la inteligencia artificial en el Derecho de Daños y su adaptación a las nuevas tecnologías", MICINN


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