La formulación de un problema y las opciones de lectura comprensiva

  1. Antonio E. Díez Mediavilla
Ideas para la educación matematica: Perspectivas desde el trabajo de Mª Luz Callejo de la Vega

Publisher: GIDIMAT-UA ; Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant

ISBN: 978-84-121868-8-8

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 123-132

Type: Book chapter


Reading involves inferential pre-comprehension activities that determine levels of readingeffectiveness. Taking into account the inference capacity of the new readers, we establish somepoints of confluence between reading and solving math problems. The distribution of theinformative units of the formulation of a problem is significant in relation to the globalunderstanding of the message I problem and its possible resolution. In this way, the confluencebetween Language and Mathematics in the development of reading competence in compulsoryeducation is made explicit. Thus, it is necessary consider this confluence in the training offuture teachers to guarantee the effectiveness in formulating a problem, achieving didacticapproaches that are efficient to the objectives of mathematics and language education.