Coordenades espaciotemporals en les rondalles d'Enric Valor

  1. Albero Poveda, Jaume
Ítaca: Revista de Filología

ISSN: 2172-5500

Datum der Publikation: 2011

Titel der Ausgabe: Dossier: Centenari Enric Valor

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 23-43

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.14198/ITACA2011.2.02 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

Andere Publikationen in: Ítaca: Revista de Filología


In this paper we analyse Enric Valor's way of dealing with space and time from the perspective of the traditional way of life reflected in the different stories. Time is presented in the tales through the Christian concept of cyclical time. Some characters try to flee from the rigors of time. Thus, the heroes wish sometimes to enlarge some periods of their lifes, stop them; or enter a time dimension where past and present are connected. Space has many connotations in the rondalles. In this sense, it is quite far from those spaces created in modern life (waiting rooms, meeting points, public facilities, etc.), called nonplaces by some authors. We study the character's lives in comunion with earth, how weather determines the course of their lifes, the numerous narrative motifs that can be found in nature, and the author's aim to reproduce lived spaces, creating an own geophantasy.

Bibliographische Referenzen

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