Ordenación del territorio y planificación estratégica en el eje de desarrollo económico del Vinalopó (Alicante)

  1. Ramos Hidalgo, Antonio
  2. Rico Amorós, Antonio M.
  3. Olcina Cantos, Jorge
  4. Taltavull de la Paz, Paloma

Éditorial: Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant

ISBN: 84-7908-293-3

Année de publication: 1996

Type: Livre


The participation of geographer in applied research, althoug, not much frequent in our country, is very important to contribute new methods and approachs in order to enrich land management and regional planning works. Vinalopo´s strategic planning, made by a cross disciplinary team of Alicante University (geographers, economists, architects) has allowed to put a geographical analysis method into practice. This method has been assigned to optimice natural, profitable, demographic and cultural resources of this subre- gional valencian land from a several strategic lines which has been take into account his land´s singularities.