Integración europea y opinión pública en el auge y declive del comunismo español
Universitat d'Alacant
ISSN: 1579-3311, 2386-4745
Year of publication: 2022
Issue Title: Los partidos comunistas de Europa occidental ante la integración europea
Issue: 24
Pages: 10-41
Type: Article
More publications in: Pasado y memoria: Revista de historia contemporánea
This paper analyses the influence of the European policies pursued by both the Spanish Communist Party (PCE) and Izquierda Unida (IU) on the electoral results, knowing that such outcomes may have also been shaped by other issues related to those parties own ideological evolution, or to the European project itself. Using statistical and parliamentary sources, as well as documentation drawn from both organizations, the article explores the electoral trajectory of communism and the stand taken, in the face of the most significant milestones of the community process, by analysing their political discourse. The aim is to empirically test to what extent the interaction of both Spanish public opinion and actions and proposals for European integration had an influence on the rise and decline of both PCE and IU.
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