De lo doméstico compartido a la participación social: prácticas socio-arquitectónicas en la escuela de Alicante

  1. Carrasco Hortal, José
  2. Abellán Alarcón, Antonio
  3. Amorós, Verónica
Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura : JIDA: Jornades sobre Innovació Docent en Arquitectura: JIDA

ISSN: 2462-571X 2564-8497

Argitalpen urtea: 2014

Zenbakia: 2

Orrialdeak: 23-33

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.5821/JIDA.2014.5023 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en Arquitectura : JIDA: Jornades sobre Innovació Docent en Arquitectura: JIDA


In order to democratize the design process and supervise the neutrality of the interaction of agents, experts in participatory and social dynamics are been progressively included in teams, to help with the identification of opportunities and controversies. Students from workshop “Common Extra House (+Urban Life) Lab” (Architecture, UA, Spain, 2013-2014) have designed participatory tools for the community decisions needed in contemporary architectural projects, working as laboratories or workbenches designed to obtain sociological data. At the same time, Research Group “Viceversos Socio-arquitectónicos” has developed a tool to be applied in the workshop in order to observe and evaluate all architectural productions. The paper ends up focusing on the need to debate about the incorporation of new sociological methods and tools in architectural education.