Ornamental potential of the coastal plant Lapiedra martinezii Lag. (Amaryllidaceae)the role of its revalorization in xero-gardening and ex-situ conservation

  1. Juan Vicedo, Jorge 1
  2. Laguna, Emilio 2
  3. Ríos, Segundo 3
  4. Casas, José 3
  1. 1 Instituto de Investigación en Medio Ambiente y Ciencia Marina IMEDMAR.
  2. 2 Wildlife Service. Department of Infrastructure, Territory and Environment of the Valencian Government-Center of Forestry Research and Experimentation CIEF.
  3. 3 Research Institute of Biodiversity. University of Alacant.
Nereis: revista iberoamericana interdisciplinar de métodos, modelización y simulación

ISSN: 1888-8550

Année de publication: 2021

Número: 13

Pages: 211-226

Type: Article

DOI: 10.46583/NEREIS_2021.13.581 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

D'autres publications dans: Nereis: revista iberoamericana interdisciplinar de métodos, modelización y simulación

Objectifs de Développement Durable


Lapiedra martinezii Lag. (Amaryllidaceae) is an autumn-flowering geophyte that grows in coastal and sublittoral environments. The interests on this species has come out during the last decades due to its content in bioactive alkaloids and its conservational status. The aim of this work was to review the available information on L. martinezii and to assess whether it could be introduced as ornamental plant in xero-gardening. Therefore, the aesthetic traits were analyzed and compared to other cultivated and wild plants. Also, information on its ecological and propagation requirements were checked to discern whether it could be adapted under different production systems and culture conditions. In addition, other aspects were also analyzed to identify strengths and limitations of this species for its further revalorization as ornamental plant. The results obtained suggest that L. martinezii could be a good choice as foliage plant to grow it on gardens as an alpine bulb or pot plant. Moreover, it might be quite well adapted under different production and culture conditions in dry and semi-arid regions. The horticultural traits related to its germination and in vitro multiplication are interesting strengths to bear in mind for its industrial propagation and early domestication. Finally considered, the introduction in xero-gardening could also help in its ex-situ conservation. However, a more-in-depth research would be needed to finally introduce it in the ornamental plants’ market.

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